Installing Python and Pycharm

2 min readMay 15, 2021


In this post, we will install Python and Pycharm and go on to write our first program.

Installing Python


1.Go to . You will see this:-

2.Go on to download from the website by clicking the “Download Python” button.

3.If you have to install an older version:- “”+the release version Example:

A quicker version for Windows:-

Go to the Microsoft Store and search for python 3.8 or any other version of your liking and click download.

Installing Pycharm

Go to

  1. Choose your OS
  2. Download Pycharm Community Edition(Free version of Pycharm)

Writing our first Program

Open Pycharm or the python IDE and type down the following code:

print(“Hello World”)

The print command is a basic function that is used to show the Text in double or single quotes. Remember the double or single quotes are important when you write a string. If you miss them out you will get the following error:-

SyntaxError: invalid syntax

The result

Congratulations! You installed Python and wrote your first program. Don’t know where to go next? Stick to this Blog and we will go through the wonders of python together.

Hey, the next post is already out. Check it out using the link below:-




Written by Novak

A hobbyist Pythonist who loves reading books and helping others

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